
Back to school shopping made fun!

My baby girl started her first year of preschool! Ahhh!
Where in the world did the time go?! Only a few short years ago she was my brand new baby coming home from the hospital, now she's loading up her minion backpack and running off to school! 

As crazy as it was, it happened and it's been so fun to watch her come home talking about all the new, exciting things she is learning. She also couldn't wait to tell us she made a new friend named Olivia (go figure!). I love watching her hit these fun milestones in life even though deep down I'm a little annoyed she decided to grow up, despite me asking her not to!
One thing I decided to do this year to make her a little more excited about this big change of going to school was to do a little school shopping! She, of course, was 100% on board since there is one thing this girl loves- clothes and shoes!!
I teamed up with Famous Footwear to do a little bit of Olivia's school shopping and, of course, couldn't help myself and had to snag a pair or two for myself! I am also doing a giveaway for $100 gift card to Famous Footwear today on my instagram account (@robynstew8) that you won't want to miss! Make sure to check it out HERE!
My look:

Olivias Look: 

I also couldn't help but share some photos from her actual first day of school. Due to being told I would be having babies that morning a week sooner than expected, it was a little bit of a crazy day, but I had to get photos and absolutely couldn't miss this "first"! 
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  1. Such cute pictures! Plus you look amazing after just having twins! Congrats!!

  2. The fit on these compression leggings is perfect, the material is soft and comfortable no matter what the activity and they do not fade, sag or give up on you. For easy thirteen dollars, give these a shot, see what they can do and how well they fit.
