date night!


we got a surprise call monday night from my pops asking us if we wanted two extra tickets to the jazz game. 
our answer was pretty obvious. 11 rows from the floor? yes, please!
one thing you have to know about me, is that i am a bit of a nut when it comes to sports. 
i get pretty serious about my basketball and football, so jazz games are kind of my favorite.
we turned it into our FHE/date night and went to dinner at the gateway and the game.
although we ended up getting beat by the clippers, it was probably one of the most entertaining games i've been to in a while and even ended with an attempt at a 3-point jump shot to almost win the game. after the game, we came home and since we hadn't been wiped out enough from all the walking, stuffing ourselves silly and yelling at referees- we decided to put up our second tree (the actual tree) in our living room! i was pretty darn glad we decided to because it turned out awesome and really got us in the christmas spirit!
oh don't worry, the night doesn't end there. after putting up the tree, white chocolate hot cocoa with marshmallow creme, whipped cream and cinnamon seemed like a necessary reward for all of our hard work. oh, and caramel brownies that the neighbors made and brought to us!
and i wonder why i gain ridiculous amounts of weight during the "holiday season"...

let's just say date night was a success.

we caught us some goodies- an xxl harley davidson shirt. just what every girl needs!
(sorry pictures look terrible- they were taken with our phones)

hubs' "cocoa drinking face" has to be my favorite.

love this little space. probably my favorite in the house!


  1. That spot in your house looks gorgeous :)

    xo Ashley

  2. what fun! your last picture makes me just want to curl up by that fire with a good book, i wish we had a fireplace! enjoy it!

  3. Sounds like a great night! Love your tree too

    xo Emily

  4. So pretty! Love your fireplace!

  5. I like the "zebra" throw for a tree skirt:)
    You even design you tree skirts:)

  6. your tree looks gorgeous and I love your new blog design!!
    XO, Gina
