Week 3 - Prime Transformation


Heading in to my last week of Prime Transformation's program this week but I had to give a little recap of last week! 

I wasn't as strict as I should have been this last week, especially because we were out of town and eating out a lot, but I've realized with this program, even when I'm not being 100% perfect with my eating, I am constantly more aware and careful with what and how I eat. It's truly become a subconscious thing, especially because I know how good I feel after I've had a clean eating meal versus a carb filled meal or after sweets! One of the nights we had a game night and were snacking on peanut butter M&M's and sour patch kids when I realized after only a handful that I felt a little gross and it had been way too much sugar for me. Now, this is coming from the queen of sweets! I am one of those people that can give up breads and pastas and all of those kind of carbs, but if you were to put a cupcake or cookie in front of me, I would probably give in and eat seven of them! I love my sweets and that has been the hardest thing for me to be 100% off of, but to cut out even half the sweets I was eating before to what I eat now has made a HUGE impact on how I feel (and definitely how I look!). 

This was one of the reasons I began this program in the first place, I was feeling well…for lack of a better word, gross. My body was feeling weighed down and I know it's due to snacking on sweets and junk throughout the day which led to eating less healthy things when it was time to sit down for actual meals. I knew I had to give myself a bit of an ultimatum and decide whether I was going to eat healthy and start doing it right, or continue feeling the way I was. I have also still been off of soda and have felt a huge difference between being off of soda and drinking almost triple the amount of water I was drinking before! There are so many things about this program that I have loved. I'm sure I could have gone off of sweets and soda without necessarily doing the program and felt good, but the supplements that PRIME provides are not only SO good and things I actually enjoy, but they have made the difference in helping avoid the snacking and keeping me full longer. The breakfast protein meal replacements (COMPLETE) is my favorite. It starts my day off right and keeps me full a good four hours before my next meal. There have been days I want to use it as a lunch replacement because I like it so much!

Aside from the way I've felt, the beauty of beginning this program is that it has started a chain reaction of events. By eating healthy I decided I wanted to start getting back to the gym and being consistent with my classes at least three times a week, which I haven't failed doing for three weeks now, which has also led to us getting up in the mornings, not lounging around watching TV, getting out of the house and me really starting my day off right with a good workout! It has made me so much happier by doing something for myself, which has in turn made me a better mom and wifey! I am cooking more, because even though I can always find something healthy when eating out, it's just easier to know what's going into my food and knowing that it's all things I'm supposed to be eating when I cook it. This has made my hubby happier because he loves coming home to a home cooked meal, we have more family time around the dinner table, AND we are all feeling healthier because of the new fun recipes I've been pinterest-ing and coming up with! It's actually been fun and it's made me realize how much I enjoy cooking! 
For those of you interested in trying to program I would so recommend it and will be offering a code soon, so watch for that! I will also be giving a few of my favorite recipes next week on my final week, so make sure to stay tuned! If you have any questions about the program, feel free to email and chat with me or you can find all the info you need HERE!
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1 comment:

  1. sukses terus, terimakasi informasinya semoga bermanfaat, di tunggu berita selanjutnya.
